Friday, December 28, 2012

Mallee birding at Gluepot Reserve

Today I met up with Chris Steeles for a few hours Birding in Birdlife Australia's Gluepot Reserve deep in the South Australian mallee.

It was pretty quiet when we arrived, but we did find some spots that were busy with birds.  Just off the Mallefowl walk we found a Shy Heathwren (Shy Hylacola) and a Chestnut Quail-thrush.

Then further on at Grasswren Tank, there was a busy watering station, with Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters, Brown-headed Honeyeaters, Yellow-plumed Honeyeaters and a Grey Currawong all coming to drink in quick succession.


  1. Sounds like you had a fun trip. When I worked at Scotia, there was one monitoring site where the yellow-plumed honeyeater would follow me around everywhere! I guess it was some kind of territorial thing. Lovely pics.
