Friday, December 28, 2012

St. Kilda Saltfields

On Boxing Day I went to St. Kilda Saltfields to see what migrant waders I could find. It was very quiet, and the usual spots had very few birds at all.

This young Australian Shelduck wasn't nervous enough to take to the wing, but made sure he kept close to mum and dad.

I spotted this Red-capped Plover on the salt build up on the edge of the lagoon, but I hadn't noticed the other one until I almost ran her over!  She was in the same spot when I left a few hours later, so I assume she has a nest nearby.


Also along the lagoon edges were a few Sharp-tailed Sandpipers and Red-necked Stints, but numbers were very low compared to previous visits.

Next stop was a small bush where I heard White-winged and Superb Fairywrens calling, but as soon as I stopped this Willie Wagtail took up his post on the top of the bush and scolded me roundly!!  no sign of the fairywrens after that.

There were plenty of Whiskered Terns, but true to form they were difficult to photograph.

Further on there was a single Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, and then a Pelican who promptly took flight.

It must have been a day for singles, as around the next bend was a single Red-necked avocet, and on the way out a Pied Cormorant with a fishermans hook caught in its beak.

Finally, I caught up with a flock of Banded Stilts.

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