Sunday, January 23, 2011

Greenfields Wetlands

This afternoon I popped over to Greenfields Wetlands for a couple of hours looking for Long-toed Stint. I did see one distantly, but no photos to show. I recently discovered that there is a bird hide (blind) here. this is where the Stints had been seen. I was a lovely afternoon, and the sky was full of whispy clouds. There were plenty of pelicans there, and also White-headed Stilt showing of their well grown youngsters. Outside the hide, many juvenile Welcome Swallows were on the power lines, and Singing Honeyeaters were on almost every bush. As I focused on this Little Grebe (the broken reflections caught my eye, I flushed a Rufous Night Heron, which I caught up with a little further along the bank. Finally, just before I was back at the car a spotted this group of Great Egrets squabbling, with a Little Pied Cormorant wondering what all the fuss was about. Tomorrow, Maryann and I fly to Tasmania for a few days. Internet permitting, I hope to publish a couple of posts while we are on the road.


  1. A delicious bird post Tony, have a great time in Tazzie.

  2. Such wonderful photos, Tony! I love the first and last, especially.

  3. A brilliant collection of shots.

  4. Those Pelicans are gorgeous, love the background and the whole image is very satisfying in all ways rendered~

  5. Hey there, I've been trying to get some info on Greenfield's but it has been surprisingly difficult to find anything. I'm just wondering where abouts the hides are located. I know there's some along the trails at the watershed location, but I don't think that's where you went. I'm just wondering where the best place to park is and the best access point for the hide. Much appreciated :)

    1. Hi Bec. The spot I went to is off magazine rd, in the NW sector of the port wakefield rd and Salisbury highway intersection. There is a raised bank with a footpath along the top leading to the hide. Hope that helps.cheers tony

    2. I'm afraid that's only confused me a little more, hehe. I know where magazine rd is, but the intersection of Port Wakefield and Salisbury highway isn't in that spot. I remember when entering the wetlands from magazine rd, the path leads down to a little footbridge but there was more of a raised bank on the left, is that the one? Though I don't remember seeing a footpath.

  6. I'm not sure if it sends a notification when I respond to your reply, so just wanted to make sure you had seen it :) Hopefully I haven't confused you with my explanation! Thanks for the extra info also.

    1. Sorry Bec, I have been pretty busy. I didn't know how well you knew the area. The wetlands covers all 4 sides of the junction. So, as you go into magazine rd (turning right off the expressway towards Port Adelaide) it bears round to the left. after approx. 100m there is an area to the right with a big gate across. to the right of the gate is a raised bank. the footpath goes along the top of the bank, and after about 800 - 1000m is the hide. hope this is a little clearer. cheers, tony

  7. It's fine, I wasn't sure if you'd been busy or just hadn't seen the response. Thank you so much for the extra information though, I'm pretty sure that this (marked by the green circle: ) is the spot you mean? I didn't know that that road was also known as magazine rd which is probably where my confusion comes from, as I knew it only from the spot marked with the red indicator. Thank you once again :) Much appreciate.

  8. Hi Tony,
    hope you didn't find any animals / wild animals in the greenfields wetlands.
    I wish to know as am soon moving to a house in mawson lakes that is close to the wetlands.
    Appreciate if you reply early .
