Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Today marks a year since my first blogging post. I am still amazed that there are so many people around the world that take as much enjoyment from my photos as I do. Thanks especially to Jenny for encouraging (nagging!!) me into starting my blog, and also to my 34 followers and all my other regular commenters. I have selected some of my favourite photos for this special post. some you have seen before, and others you have not. I hope you enjoy them. Thanks once again, and please keep the comments coming. As you know, birds are my main photographic interest. But I am fascinated by all fauna and flora. I also love to travel. Amongst my less ecologically sound interests are motorsport and aviation


  1. #10 Is my personal favorite.
    Love the the angle and composition!

  2. Happy time flies. Great series to celebrate your achievements. FAB.

  3. Congratulations for sticking with it! Nice frog shot.

  4. Happy Anniversary!!!!

  5. Thanks Puszka, Glad you enjoyed that one.

    Hi Frank, Thanks for being one of my regulars.

    G'day Mosura, Yep one of my all time faves, taken in pitch black balancing a torch in one hand and camera in the other.....

    Thanks Steve, I always appreciate your feedback.

    Hi Jim, thanks mate!
