Saturday, March 22, 2025

The long drive home

On the drive home I was mainly following the same route, except for the first day when I headed east through Kalgoorlie before re-crossing the Nullarbor Plain so I'll cover it in a single post.

Heading east from Perth I was driving through the wheat belt and came across some more silo art. The first was at Northam.  This was the first set of silos to be painted in Australia.  the two sets were painted simultaneously by two artists and are vert different in style.

The next one was at Merredin.  This was only the third set to be painted.

My main stop on the first day was in Kalgoorlie where I wanted to see the  famous "Super Pit".  It didn't disappoint. This open cast gold mine is about 3.5Km long  by 1.5 Km wide and over 600m deep.  It is huge! as are the machines that work in it.  The shovel bucket holds around 70 tonnes of ore and fills one of the mine haul trucks with 4 loads.   (Watch the video to see the comparison in size with a Ute!)

As I set off from the Nullarbor Roadhouse, there was a beautiful sunrise.

Last stop before Adelaide was Whyalla, a town on the Eyre Peninsula.  The jetty was recently rebuilt in a striking circular form.

I finished up travelling for 5 weeks and covered 8,476 Km in my little Toyota Corolla at an average of around 4.2 L/100Km or just over 67 miles per gallon.  

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