Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Rottnest Island

One of my favourite places around Perth is Rottnest Island.  I was last there in 2005 and was keen to get back. You can visit by a choice of ferries or by air.  I travelled on the fast ferry from Hillary's Boat Harbour which took 45 minutes.  

You cannot take your car, so the options are a hired bike or the hop on hop off bus.  I chose the hired bike and cycled just over 35Km 

The scenery is stunning.  Lots of rocky coves and sandy beaches.

As I pulled up to one lookout, I spotted this beautiful Osprey

There are some salt lakes as well.  This one had some Banded Stilts, and Red-necked Stints, but the stints were flushed by a family cycling past before I managed to photograph them.

Rottnest's most famous resident is the Quokka.  They are very tame, and can be found almost anywhere on the island.  This one tried to steal what was left of my lunch!

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