Monday, May 10, 2010

Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens

Sunday was Mother's Day here in Australia, and so I took Maryann out for Lunch in the Adelaide Hills. On the way we stopped at Mount Lofty Summit, a look out with fantastic views over the city. You can clearly see the green of the Adelaide Parklands surrounding the CBD (City Business District). In common with many Australian Cities, Adelaide only allows high rise buildings in the CBD. After lunch we visited the Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens. The gardens were packed with families picnicking, and generally enjoying a beautiful autumn day. As we walked around, we heard the evocative sound of a didgeridoo being played, which really created a wonderful atmosphere. There were leaves of many colours, and the kids were having a ball with them. One thing I noticed there was a huge variety of lichens on the trees, something that I rarely see in the city. Finally, by the car park, there was a huge hedge of Hebe which was full of busy bees!!


  1. Sounds like a lovely day out Tony. I love lichens, dont know much about them, but I love 'em! (-:
