Sunday, November 5, 2017

Port River cruise - Shorebird Festival

Yesterday we took part in the launch of the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary Shorebird Festival by taking a cruise on the Port River.   Around 300 people took part and it was a lovely way to spend an afternoon.  The bird sanctuary has recently been declared as a national park, and you can find out more about it here.

The port river is a busy waterway, and is used by boats and ships of all sizes. There were small sailing boats, motor boats, HMAS Brisbane, big container ship and everything in between, all using the river.

Many of the birds were a long way off, but I did manage to get a few shots.  Amongst the birds we saw were Pied Oystercatcher, Australian Pelican, Crested Tern and Black-faced Cormorant.

We also saw some of the Port River Dolphins, always a crowd pleaser.