Last weekend we went for a walk at the mouth of the Onkaparinga River at Port Noarlunga, to the south of Adelaide. This lovely walk combines sand dunes and a wetland area, so can provide a good mix of birds.
This is the view looking North from the river mouth.

The birds are fairly distant for the first part, but still give good views across the river. There was nothing unusual along the river.
Australian White Ibis and White-headed Stilt

Masked Lapwings and Silver Gull

The return gets you a bit closer to the birds. I love herons, so cannot resist this White-faced Heron. Stilts are always great value as well, especially with a good reflection.

The river is also used for other pastimes, like fishing and canoeing. This Mud Crab managed to scurry away to cover, and these Paddle-boarders were heading up river towards the Onkaparinga River National Park.

The birds seem used to human activity and were not even spooked by this powered paraglider.

On the way home we called into Old Noarlunga to look at the Rufous Night-heron roost. There used to be up to ten Night-herons here, but since the Little Corellas have started roosting here their numbers have dwindled. While searching through the trees, I spotted this Long-billed Corella, before spotting one unphotographable adult and this juvenile Night-heron.