Sunday morning I headed up to the Barossa Valley to do some birding. First stop was Tanunda water treatment works. This series of ponds usually holds a good selection of ducks, often with some less common ducks mixed in. Straight away I noticed a small group of Pink-eared Ducks. There were also Blue-billed Ducks there, but true to form with Oxyura ducks, they spent the whole time asleep on the far side of the pond so no photos.
On the way out there was a Masked Lapwing by the track.
The back road from Tanunda to the Barossa resort is a favourite of mine, and it didn't disappoint. Lots of Yellow-rumped Thornbills (colloquially known as "Butter Bum") and a pair of Cockatiels were the highlights. Also a single male Red-rumped Parrot.

Last stop was the Landcare Reserve at Altona. By this time it was warming up, so the birds were not so easy to photograph. This female Hooded Robin was inquisitive enough to investigate my poor imitation!
There were quite few flowers out, including some huge Artichoke Thistles (they will bloom purple in a few weeks), some Black Anther Flax-Lily, Tall Yellow-eye, and Tangier Pea.